‘‘Behold how the river Nile generously flows
it flows and smiles to the sun above
it flows through a valley of its creation
it flows besides great pyramids and temples
it flows to crown a heavenly land
it says take my water and grow
it says let my immortal waters flow
it says within my surge life awakens’’
Omar Ibrahim.

Near the lowest part of the Egyptian flow of the Nile river lies a hidden colorful gem, Nubia.

Nubia is a region along the Nile river encompassing the area between the first cataract of the Nile and the confluence of the blue and White Niles. Aswan in which is located Nubia is what was considered the pharaohs territory before they later explored upper Egypt.
Nubians are an ethno-linguistic group of indigenous people who live in this region. They originate from the early inhabitants of the central Nile valley, believed to be one of the earliest cradles of civilization. Today Nubians in Egypt primarily live in Southern Egypt, specifically in Nubian villages in Aswan. Based on cultural traits many scholars believe that the name Nubia is derived from the Ancient Egyptian “Nbw” meaning gold.

This collection aims to shed the light on the rich and beautiful and sometimes painful culture, stories, music, dance, architecture, traditional clothes, lives and history of the Nubians while looking at the traditional clothing practices of contemporary Egypt in parallel to Ancient Egypt. Thiscollection will evolve to become a story of the history of a sub-culture in Egypt, a story and culture of an indigenous population infused by contemporary and ancient Egyptian heritage creating this rich fusion and extraordinary experience which is El Nubia.
